"Today, I officially announce my retirement from the Bermuda Police Service to take effect on June 19, 2006. My last working day with the Bermuda Police will be December 15, 2005. I joined the Bermuda Police Service in June 1979 and will have served over 27 years in the Service and just over five years as Commissioner of Police.
This decision has not come easily. I will leave behind many professional and hard-working colleagues in the Bermuda Police Service who work on the front lines and behind the scenes every day - under increasingly challenging conditions - to police these Islands. The decision to retire is entirely mine and comes after a great deal of introspection. Quite frankly, having reached the zenith of a career in law enforcement and having served the amount of time I set as an objective - five years as Commissioner - I am driven simply by a desire to pursue new and varied challenges. I intend to remain in Bermuda and will be pursuing business opportunities in the private sector.
I have a great deal of respect for the authorities who are in place who have the Constitutional and delegated authorities for the Bermuda Police Service. That said, there has been consultation behind the scenes for some time with H. E. the Governor and the Minister responsible for Labour, Home Affairs and Public Safety, the Hon. K. H. Randolph Horton as I sought to ensure that the authorities were advised, well in advance, of my career decision. I would wish to ensure that the transition to new leadership is as smooth as possible.
In my letter to H. E. the Governor, I referred to "the tremendous honour and privilege" to have served Bermuda as a Police Officer and to be charged with the responsibilities of Commissioner. I also thanked the Governor and the three Ministers of Labour, Home Affairs and Public Safety who I have reported to for their support during the past five years. Many critical incidents have been handled and the Service has appreciated the support that has manifested itself in the form of budgetary and staffing increases.
Arrangements will be made to host a final Press Conference in early December 2005 at which time I will outline the achievements of the Service during the past five years and take the opportunity to thank the members in the Service and Reserves and many citizens in Bermuda for their unwavering support of the Service." |