


Updated Contact E-Mail Address for Parish Police Officers

Thursday, January 19,2023

The Bermuda Police Service is advising residents that the contact e-mail address for Parish Officers has been updated and is now a single point of contact. To get in touch with any of the Parish Officers, members of the public should now e-mail parishes@bps.bm. As a reminder, the following telephone numbers will connect callers to the offices of the central, eastern and western Parish Officers respectively. Central (Devonshire, Pembroke, Paget): 247-1727. Eastern (Smith’s, Hamilton parish, St. George’s): 247-1731. Western (Warwick, Southampton, Sandys parish): 247-1791.

Renewed Advisory Regarding Inappropriate Online Behaviour

Wednesday, January 18,2023

Local residents, especially parents, guardians and school aged children, are reminded to be vigilant regarding inappropriate online behaviour by unknown individuals who aim to obtain nude personal images on social media, through seemingly friendly conversation or outright coercion. The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) urges parents and guardians to:- Familiarise yourself with the applications (apps) downloaded on your school aged child’s/children’s device(s), and scrutinise whether or not they should have access to any of those apps. Be mindful that the legal age for most social media applications is 13+. Ensure all social media applications used are adequately secured (i.e. Two-Factor Authentication). Establish rules with your school aged child/children, such as not allowing others to use their device(s), or have access to their social media account(s). Talk to your school aged child/children about the risks involved in communicating with any social media profile operated by a person they do not know. Use a social media application’s settings to report and block any social media profile that attempts to engage in inappropriate behaviour or makes threats. Make it clear that under no circumstances should a child capture or send nude images of themselves to anyone online. Reassure your school aged child/children that they can confide in a trusted adult if anything occurs on social media that makes them feel uncomfortable. >It should be noted that the BPS continues to investigate the recent social media circulation of a number of inappropriate altered images of local residents, including minors. Anyone with information that may pertain to the ongoing investigation is once again asked to call Acting Detective Inspector 709 Sharnita Tankard or Acting Detective Sergeant 2456 Ashun Wolffe on 247-1739, or e-mail stankard@bps.bm or awolffe@bps.bm. You may also call the non-emergency reporting number 211, the main police number 295-0011 or, share the information with a police officer you know.

Four Separate Dog Biting Incidents Reported Friday, 13th January 2023

Monday, January 16,2023

The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) responded to four separate dog biting incidents that occurred on Friday, 13th January 2023. Dog owners are reminded of their responsibilities under the Dogs Amendment Act 2018. A person found guilty in court of an offence under the Act, in the first instance, is liable to a maximum six months’ imprisonment, or a fine of up to $10,000, or both. The Animal Wardens are conducting follow up inquiries regarding all four matters, which are outlined below. Two Dogs Seized by Animal Warden Around 12 noon Friday, police officers and an Animal Warden attended a Summit View Drive, Hamilton parish residence. Two dogs, said to be pit-bulls, were seized by the Animal Warden after reportedly biting a female senior citizen. 76-Year-Old Woman Treated & Discharged from Hospital Around 12:30pm Friday, police officers responded to the Luke’s Pond Road, Southampton area after a 76-year-old Sandys parish woman was bitten by a dog. The senior citizen received treatment at King Edward VI Memorial Hospital for her injuries and was later discharged. The dog responsible was not located. The matter has been referred to the Animal Wardens for follow up. 10-Year-Old Girl Treated & Discharged from Hospital Around 3:55pm Friday, police officers responded to the Middletown Lane, Pembroke area after a 10-year-old Pembroke girl was bitten by a dog. The girl received treatment at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for her injuries and was later discharged. The dog said to be responsible was later located and seized by an Animal Warden. Labrador Seriously Hurt by Another Dog Around 6:30pm Friday, police officers responded to the Happy Valley Road, Elizabeth Hills Road Pembroke area after a report of a dog attacking another dog. It appears that a Labrador was being walked by a woman along Happy Valley Road when another dog broke free from where it was kept on Elizabeth Hills Road and attacked the Labrador. The offending dog was seized by an Animal Warden and the Labrador apparently sustained a serious leg injury. No persons were hurt.

Online Sextortion Scam Advisory

Wednesday, January 11,2023

The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) continues to advise residents to be vigilant online, particularly when communicating with anyone only known to them through social media. What is an online sextortion scam? Online sextortion scams are a form of sexual exploitation where an individual is usually threatened with having personal images or videos of an explicit nature released on the internet, including to all the individual’s social media contacts, unless money is paid. The compromising images and videos may have been provided willingly during a flirtatious online exchange, or recorded without the individual’s knowledge. A typical blackmailer is likely based overseas and will request payment via any local money service business. Is sextortion against the law in Bermuda? Sextortion is an offence, as outlined under the Criminal Code Amendment (Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images) Act 2021. How common is it? International statistics indicate that this nefarious activity is common but believed to be underreported, due to the embarrassment those targeted feel, once the real intent of the flirtatious online communication is revealed. This is true locally as well, with less than 10 reports received by the BPS during 2022. What to do if you’ve been targeted? The BPS recommends that anyone facing an online sextortion scam block all further communication with the blackmailer. Do not send any money. Secure all social media accounts and keep the content of the messages, which could provide useful evidence. Report the offending social media profile to the relevant social media company. Any incidents can also be reported to the BPS by calling the Criminal Investigations Department on 247-1744, or the Financial Crime Unit on 247-1757.

Witness Appeal: Information About 6th December 2022 Motorcycle Collision

Tuesday, January 10,2023

The Bermuda Police Service, (BPS), is seeking the public’s assistance with information about a collision involving two persons on a motorcycle that occurred on South Road, between Coral Beach and Modern Mart, Paget, between 10:00 p.m. and 10:30p.m on Tuesday, 6th December 2022. Investigators are particularly interested in speaking with anyone who may be able to identify the two persons or the motorcycle they were travelling on. Anyone with information regarding the two subjects and motorbike, are asked to contact the investigating officer, Acting Detective Sergeant Odessa Philip, on 717-2193 or, email ophilip@bps.bm. You may also call the non-emergency reporting number, 211, the main police number 295-0011 or, Crime Stoppers on 800-8477. Alternatively, you may wish to provide the information by speaking with a police officer whom you know.

Investigation Underway After Attempted Robbery at Bargain Hunters

Monday, January 09,2023

The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) can confirm an investigation is underway in relation to an attempted robbery which occurred shortly after 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, 31st December 2022, at the Bargain Hunters store on Somerset Road, Sandys. An unknown male entered the store, brandished an unknown object and demanded the store owner hand over the cash from the cash register. The proprietor challenged the suspect, who ran out of the store and escaped on foot, in an easterly direction along a nearby nature trail. The BPS is aware that there are video clips of the incident being circulated on social media. While we understand that sharing the video images may appear useful in identifying a suspect, we ask that should you receive these images that you do not forward them on. Detective Inspector Clifford Roberts, Criminal Investigative Unit/Specialist Investigations, explained: “While you may think it helpful, please refrain from posting on social media, images or videos of possible criminal activity around homes or businesses. Not only can posting these images to social media lead to legal issues should a suspect be arrested and brought to court, but it may also alert a suspect that they are being sought and lead them to dispose of items such as the clothing seen in those images or, other property which could associate them with a specific crime.” Residents, merchants and their staff are reminded that during a robbery, your personal safety is the top priority. While it may be natural for you to want to protect your property or merchandise, doing so could result in you placing yourself at significant risk of serious injury or, worse. Instead, we advise that you adopt the following measures in order to avoid harm to yourself or others around you: Remain calm and do not resist. Make mental notes of the robber’s appearance. Notice what the robber does so you can include it in your report. After the robbery, go immediately to a safe location, then, report the crime. Anyone with information on this matter is asked to call Detective Constable Malcolm Dill, on 717-2017 or, via email mdill@bps.bm. You may also call the non-emergency reporting number 211 or, the main police number, 295-0011 or, Crime Stoppers on 800-8477.

No One Hurt in Reported Armed Robbery at Henry's Pantry & Liquor Store

Saturday, January 07,2023

Shortly before 6:15pm on Saturday 7th of January 2023, Police responded to a report of an armed robbery at Henry’s Pantry and Liquor Store, South Shore Road, Southampton. Early reports suggest that two men, one armed with a knife, entered the store and made demands  for money. A store employee handed over an unknown sum of cash to the assailants, who then left the store riding a motorcycle in an easterly direction along South Road. Suspects are described as two dark skinned males. One, approximately 5’ 6” tall, the other, approximately 6’ tall, both, medium built wearing dark clothing and shoes. Both suspects also wore gloves and black helmets. Anyone who may have witnessed suspicious activity in the area between 5:45pm and 6:15pm, is urged to contact police on 211 or the confidential Crime Stoppers number on 800-8477.

Inquiries Underway After Circulation of Recorded Altercation

Wednesday, January 04,2023

The Bermuda Police Service, (BPS), is aware of video clips depicting an altercation involving individuals in traditional Bermuda Gombey costume, being circulated on social media. The matter is being looked into. We ask that anyone with information on these incidents please call 211 or, the main police number 295-0011. The BPS urges that should you receive the images, delete them from your device and do not share them on.

Operation Vega Update: 5th December 2022 - 3rd January 2023

Tuesday, January 03,2023

In this reporting period, Monday, December 5th, 2022 to Tuesday January 3rd, 2023, six hundred and thirty-five moving violation tickets (MVTs), were issued for traffic offences, up from four hundred and twenty-eight in the previous reporting period. In addition, during this reporting period sixty-six motorist advisory notices (MANs) were issued up from forty-eight in the previous reporting period. 269 Parking violation tickets were issued up from 171 in the previous reporting period. 8402 MVT’s have been reported since the implementation of Operation Vega on July 1st, 2021. Robert Cardwell, Acting Superintendent, Tactical Support Division stated: “Operation Vega remains a critical incident and is in line with the Bermuda Police Service’s Strategic Priorities as they relate to reducing harm on our roads. Worryingly, the incidence of impaired driving continues to increase. A situation that should be extreme concern for us all.  There 15 arrests for impaired driving over this Operation Vega reporting period, while for all of 2022, a total of 194 individuals were arrested for driving whilst impaired. This compares with 134 in 2021 and 186 in 2020. Road side sobriety testing and high vigilance by patrol officers have contributed to these numbers and it appears the public are not taking notice of our pleas to not drink and drive.  We continue to attend a number of collisions where impaired driving is a factor.  That notwithstanding indications are overall traffic collisions are on the decline. However, there remains much work to be done to further reduce these numbers.” In the fourth quarter of 2022 there were 265 road traffic collisions (RTCs) recorded.  For the same period in 2021, there were 284 RTCs recorded.  A reduction of 19 such incidents. The break-down of traffic offences reported for the latest reporting period is as follows: Impaired Driving Arrests        15 (+3) Speeding                                   295 (+91) Excessive speeds ranged from 57kph to 94kph.   Traffic Sign                                45 (+16)                  Unlicensed Vehicle                  79 (+22)                   No third party insurance           75 (+25)            No Driver’s license                   60 (+24)       Manner of driving                    20 (+16) Disqualified                               14 (+11)                      Seatbelt                                      5 (+3)                        Helmet                                        2 (+2)                Handheld device                       2 (-1) Defective vehicle                      9 (+7) Fail to give name/address       0 (0) Fail to Stop                                 8 (+6) Fraud Docs                                 0 (-1) Making False Statement          1 (+1) License Plate offence                8 (-6) Tint Offence                               10 (+3) Youth License Offence              0 (-2)

Motorcyclist Injured in Crash Found to be in Possession of Knife

Sunday, January 01,2023

Around 4:53pm on Sunday 1st January 2023, police were conducting laser checks in the area of Middle Road near Store Lane, Sandys, when a male riding a motorcycle traveling west, was clocked at a high rate of speed. On seeing police the subject turned his motorcycle around, began traveling at speed through Overplus Lane and continued in an easterly direction along the railway trail. Police engaged emergency equipment and a pursuit ensued. The male failed to stop for police, exiting the railway trail at Tribe Road #5 before continuing east along Middle Road. As he approached Barnes Corner, Southampton, the rider lost control of his motorcycle and struck a wall in the opposite lane, before landing in near by bushes. Officers immediately rendered first aid to the male who sustained a leg injury in the crash. While being attended to for his injuries, he was found to be in possession of a large knife. He was subsequently transported by ambulance to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for further treatment. No police vehicles were involved in the collision. Traffic diversions have been put in place at South Road, Middle Road junction and Church Bay Road, while the scene is forensically processed. Motorists are advised to use South Road until the scene has been cleared. Anyone who may have witnessed this collision is asked to contact Sgt Sean Hassell on 211 or shassell@bps.bm.

11th Road Fatality of 2022

Friday, December 30,2022

Sadly, Bermuda has recorded it’s 11th road fatality for the year with the passing of the 78-year-old male pedestrian who sustained serious head injuries in a collision with a truck on Pitt’s Bay Road, near the junction with Mills Creek Road, Pembroke. The collision occurred shortly before 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 29th. It appears the male truck driver was negotiating a right hand turn onto Mills Creek Road. At the time, and the victim was attempting to cross the junction, when the accident occurred. Anyone who may have witnessed this collision, in particular, the driver of a white Suzuki Ignis and the driver of a delivery truck that was at the scene, is asked to contact Constable Jason Ming of the Roads Policing Unit, on 247-1788 or jming@bps.bm. The Bermuda Police Service wishes to extend our sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

Pedestrian Seriously Injured After Being Struck by Truck [Updated]

Thursday, December 29,2022

Around 9:58am on Thursday 29th December 2022, police and other first responders attended scene of a collision involving a truck and a pedestrian on Pitt’s Bay Road, near the junction with Mills Creek Road, Pembroke. It appears the male truck driver was negotiating a right hand turn onto Miils Creek Road. At the time, a male pedestrian was attempting to cross the junction, when the occurred. The pedestrian was conveyed to King Edward Memorial Hospital for treatment of head and facial injuries. The driver of the truck was not reported to be injured. Traffic diversions are in place whilst the scene is being processed. Anyone who may have witnessed this collision is asked to contact Constable Kayjuna Lema on 211 or klema@bps.bm. Update: Friday, 30th December - Sadly, Bermuda has recorded it’s 11th road fatality for the year with the passing of the 78-year-old male pedestrian who sustained serious head injuries in a collision with a truck on Pitt’s Bay Road, near the junction with Mills Creek Road, Pembroke. The collision occurred shortly before 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 29th. It appears the male truck driver was negotiating a right hand turn onto Mills Creek Road. At the time, and the victim was attempting to cross the junction, when the accident occurred. Anyone who may have witnessed this collision, in particular, the driver of a white Suzuki Ignis and the driver of a delivery truck that was at the scene, is asked to contact Constable Jason Ming of the Roads Policing Unit, on 247-1788 or jming@bps.bm. The Bermuda Police Service wishes to extend our sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

Rider Suffers Leg Injury After Taxi and Motorcycle Collide

Thursday, December 29,2022

Around 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday. 28th December 2022, police & EMS were dispatched to a two vehicle road traffic collision involving a taxi and a motorcycle, at the junction of Crow Lane and Spurling Hill, Pembroke. It was reported that male cycle rider sustained a serious leg injury. He was attended to at the scene by EMTs and transported by ambulance to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for further treatment. Traffic diversions are now in place at the junction of Spurling Hill and Cavendish road while the scene is being processed.

Public Thanked for Cooperation During Christmas Holiday Policing

Wednesday, December 28,2022

The Bermuda Police Service wish to thank the public for helping make this Christmas long weekend a safe and peaceful one for all Bermuda residents. A robust police presence was out on the streets this weekend conducting stop checks and patrols to clamp down on anti-social behaviour and drink driving as well as to deter persons from criminal behaviour. Despite most people enjoying the holidays in a responsible manner a number of arrests were still made with suspects arrested for drug offences, carrying weapons as well as those found with outstanding warrants. One driver was arrested on suspicion of driving whilst impaired. There were unfortunately a number of road traffic collisions, some of which resulted in injuries and caused diversions to be put in place. Around 3:15 a.m. on Sunday, December 12th, 2022, police and EMTs responded to a 911 call reporting a single vehicle road traffic collision involving a male on an auxiliary cycle on Crow Lane. Upon arrival officers found an unresponsive male lying in the roadway with what appeared to be a serious head injury. EMTs attended to the victim who was subsequently transported by ambulance to King Edward Hospital for further treatment of his injuries. Around 7:30pm on Saturday 24th December, police and other first responders were dispatched to the scene of a two vehicle collision along Grey’s Bridge, Sandys, involving a light van and an auxiliary cycle. The 16-year-old-male cyclist sustained multiple injuries and was taken to King Edward Memorial Hospital via ambulance for treatment of his injuries. The male driver of the van was not reported to be injured. In both cases what were first thought to be serious injuries at the scene were treated at the hospital and the drivers released. Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police Martin Weekes stated: “I wish to personally thank the community for the cooperation and assistance shown our officers during the festive period. We value this partnership which continues to bring positive results as your Bermuda Police Service continues the work to Make Bermuda Safer.” The public can expect to see the continued high visibility policing over the New Year holiday.

Rider Hurt in Collision With Van on Grey’s Bridge

Sunday, December 25,2022

Around 7:30pm on Saturday 24th December, police and other first responders were dispatched to the scene of a two vehicle collision along Grey’s Bridge, Sandys, involving a light van and an auxiliary cycle. Initial information suggests that the vehicles were traveling in opposite directions when the collision occurred. The 16 year old male cyclist received multiple injuries and was taken to King Edward Memorial Hospital via ambulance for treatment of his injuries. The male driver of the van was not reported to be injured. Traffic delays are to be expected while, police process the scene.

BPS Christmas & New Year’s Holiday Safety Advisory

Friday, December 23,2022

Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police Martin Weekes – “The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) recognises that during the Christmas and New Year’s holiday period, there is an increase in social as well as commercial activity, which is unfortunately often accompanied by an uptick in associated criminal activity and anti-social behaviour. To deter opportunistic crime and provide reassurance to the public, police officers will be patrolling across the island – including the City of Hamilton – engaging with patrons, retailers and motorists to ensure everyone is able to enjoy the festivities in a peaceful and safe environment. Residents are encouraged to assist the BPS in this endeavour by being mindful of the following common sense crime prevention and safety tips. •             Keep doors locked and windows closed when you are away from your car. •             Do not leave packages visible in your car windows. Consider securing items inside the trunk or if possible, take them directly home. •             When approaching and leaving your vehicle, always be aware of your surroundings. Park in a well-lit area if possible and do not approach the vehicle alone if there are people standing nearby acting suspiciously. •             Have your keys in hand when approaching your vehicle. Check the back seat and around the car before getting in. •             Do not buy more than you can carry. Plan ahead by taking a friend with you or ask a store employee to help you carry your packages to the car. Avoid traveling alone if possible. •             Avoid giving rides to and taking rides from unknown persons, or individuals who may seem eager to assist. •             For women in particular, never leave your handbag unattended in a shopping cart, on a shop counter or on the floor by your feet. Carry your purse close to your body. •             Keep wallets concealed inside a coat or pocket when not in use. •             Don’t take shortcuts through isolated areas. •             If possible, carry a small flashlight and cell-phone in case you need to make an emergency call. •             When shopping with children, make a plan in case you are separated from each other. Identify in advance a central meeting place. Teach them to know they can ask store personnel or security employees if they need help. •             If going out to socialise, arrange to arrive and leave with people you know. •             When out socialising, don’t leave your drinks unattended and do not accept drinks from unknown individuals. •             If you are planning to socialise arrange for transportation home before you leave and don’t drink and drive and don’t let your friends and colleagues drink and drive. Residents are also encouraged to always lock their doors and windows when leaving home, even for a few minutes. If leaving home for an extended period of time, ask a neighbour or family member to watch the house. Displays of holiday gifts should not be visible through windows or doors. In addition to the late night shopping activity, this time of year is marked by increased socialising with family, friends and colleagues at various festive events. Where intoxicants are involved, unfortunately, we also typically see increases in road traffic collisions and anti-social behaviour. As a result the Bermuda Police Service encourages members of the public to enjoy themselves responsibly. Patrons attending Christmas and New Year’s parties are asked to be mindful of their behaviour. Carefully consider your options and the consequences. The BPS is prepared to appropriately address any anti-social behaviour that may occur and will use all lawful powers to deter and detect offenders, as well as offences, as necessary. Police officers will be out monitoring the roads during the holiday period. Traffic checks can be expected at various locations, particularly where events are taking place, with road sobriety checkpoints scheduled for 29th December 2022 through 1st January 2023 at various locations across the island. Finally, on behalf of the Commissioner and the Bermuda Police Service, I wish you all a safe and pleasant holiday period and thank you for helping us Make Bermuda Safer.”

Inspector Tomlinson Completes Overseas Staff & Junior Command Course

Tuesday, December 20,2022

Inspector Mark Tomlinson of the Bermuda Police Service (BPS) successfully completed eleven (11) weeks of command and leadership training at the National Police College of Jamaica. The course, which is the 86th batch of the Staff and Junior Command Course (SJCC), has trained and equipped middle management officers with contemporary policing skills geared towards their development as effective police commanders. The course primarily covered modules in Personal Effectiveness, Police Leadership and Management, Police Administration, Crime, Investigation and Intelligence Management as well as Operations and Critical Incident Management. The course also included two weeks of operational command experience out in the field. Inspector Tomlinson said, “The course was very challenging but the content and the results were rewarding.” He intends to apply much of what he has learned within the BPS. Thirty (30) police officers, ranging from Inspector to Deputy Superintendent participated in the course.

Operation Limelight: Firearm, Ammunition & Drugs Seized, Man Arrested

Monday, December 19,2022

A firearm was last week taken off the street by officers as the Bermuda Police Service launched an operation dubbed, “Operation Limelight.” Officers executed warrants at a number of locations, mainly in the Pembroke Parish area. Apart from the firearm, several rounds of ammunition, as well as a quantity of illegal drugs with an estimated street value of two thousand dollars were seized. One suspect, a 41-year-old male, was arrested in connection with this seizure. The suspect has since been released on police bail. The operation included officers from the Narcotics Division assisted by their colleagues from the Tactical Support Division. Chief Inspector Robert Cardwell, who led the operation, stated: “This was an intelligence led initiative which has resulted in one more firearm being taken out of the hands of individuals, intent on causing harm to others, resulting in disquiet among the community. More importantly, this successful result is a reflection of what can be achieved when the community and police work together.” All items seized have now been sent for forensic testing. No further information will be given at this time. We once again urge members of the public with information on criminal activity of any sort, to please contact us via the usual means. You may call the non-emergency reporting line 211, the main police number 295-0011 or, Crime Stoppers, on 800-8477. Of course you may also contact a police officer you’re comfortable speaking with. Let’s continue to come together to make Bermuda safer.

Commissioner Simons: PC Sean Simons Dismissed With Immediate Effect

Saturday, December 17,2022

Commissioner of Police Darrin Simons - "The Bermuda Police Service can confirm that with immediate effect, PC Sean Simons was dismissed. This followed his guilty plea for intruding on the privacy of a female and an internal review process. While the dismissal of a colleague is always difficult, members of the Bermuda Police Service must at all times act in accordance with our Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional behaviour. Where that standard is not met, the matter is reviewed and appropriate action is taken. As Commissioner of Police, I can say without reservation, that overwhelmingly, the women and men who make up your Police Service, continually strive to serve with the highest standards of integrity in their efforts to make our community safer for all."

Inquiries Underway After Reported Robbery of 15-Year-Old Boy at Knife Point

Thursday, December 15,2022

A fifteen-year-old male was reportedly robbed at knife point of a quantity of cash, just before 3:30 p.m. yesterday, Wednesday 14th December, 2022. The incident occurred shortly after the teenaged boy got off a bus and made his way along Clyde Best Lane, Sandys. Three males, all said to have been wearing dark clothing with ski masks on, reportedly approached the teenager. One of them allegedly pulled out a small knife, held it against the victim’s upper body and demanded money. The young man complied and the suspects then left the area on foot. The teen was not hurt. Although they were fully covered the victim could see that two of the males were dark skinned and one was light skinned. An investigation into this matter has commenced and anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Inspector, Clifford Roberts  of Criminal Investigations Unit/ Special Investigations, on 717-0590 or, via e-mail croberts2@bps.bm. Nearby residents and businesses with CCTV cameras, are asked to check their recordings from between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., and get in contact with us should they see any suspicious activity around that time period.

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