Sudden Death
Friday, January 19,2007
Around 10:20am today, Police attended a reported sudden death at a Somerset Road, Sandy's parish premises. On arrival officers observed the deceased, who appeared to have been at that location for some time. The body was pronounced dead by an on call physician at 11:10am at the scene. There were no apparent suspicious circumstances. An autopsy is anticipated. Inquiries are continuing. No further information will be released until the next of kin have been notified.
Missing Juvenile
Thursday, January 18,2007
The Bermuda Police Service is asking for the public's assistance in locating 16 year old Leroy Symons of Warwick. Symons was last heard from on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 and is described as brown skinned, approximately 5'6" tall with a low haircut. He usually wears baggy jeans, a t-shirt and a baseball cap with a 'grill' in his mouth. He is also known to frequent the Pembroke area.
Overpayment Scams
Monday, January 15,2007
The Bermuda Police Service would like to advise the public that there has been a recent increase in 'Overpayment Scams' being perpetrated by persons targeting Bermuda residents.
Injury RTC
Friday, January 12,2007
At 1:40pm today, Police attended a reported serious road traffic collision resulting in injury on North Shore Road in Hamilton parish near the junction with Coney Island Road involving a jeep and a motorcycle. It appears that the motorcycle was traveling west on North Shore Road when it collided with the jeep, which was exiting Tony's Fine Foods. The rider of the motorcycle, a 20 year old Hamilton parish man, was catapulted on to the windshield of the jeep before landing on the ground.
Fatal RTC & Witness Appeal
Thursday, January 04,2007
The Bermuda Police Service can now confirm the death of 36 year old Llewellyn Nisbett of Sandy’s parish. Mr. Nisbett died yesterday at an overseas medical facility where he was being treated for serious injuries sustained in a single vehicle road traffic collision which occurred on Happy Valley Road in Pembroke around 3am Friday, November 24, 2006. Mr. Nisbett was initially treated in the Intensive Care Unit of KEMH before being airlifted overseas for further medical treatment.
Advisory on St. George's Police Station & Southside Police Station
Wednesday, December 27,2006
The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) would like the public, especially residents of the east end of the island, to be aware that from 8am on Tuesday, January 2, 2007 the BPS will close the doors of St. George's Police Station pending renovations being carried out by the Department of Works & Engineering.
Christmas Crime Prevention Advice
Thursday, December 14,2006
As we prepare ourselves for the joy of giving and exchanging gifts, let us not forget that the criminal element of our community is also anxiously awaiting this time of year. However, the spirit of giving is not on their minds!
ATM E-mail Hoax
Tuesday, December 12,2006
The Bermuda Police Service has received queries about an e-mail currently in circulation that pertains to the safety features of ATM machines and PIN numbers. After confirming with local and overseas financial institutions we are confident that the information contained in the e-mail is simply untrue. For further information, please contact your relevant financial institution.
Official Launch of MV Guardian
Monday, December 04,2006
At 10:30am today, the Bermuda Police Service held a press conference outside its Marine Unit offices at Barr's Bay Park in the City of Hamilton to officially launch the MV Guardian. Dignitaries present included H. E.
Update - Marcus Gibbings Murder Inquiry
Tuesday, November 28,2006
The Serious Crime Unit of the Bermuda Police Service continues to investigate the murder of 32 year old Marcus Gibbings. Mr. Gibbings was last seen around 8pm on Wednesday, October 25, 2006.
Overseas Recruitment Regarding 2007 ICC Cricket World Cup
Friday, November 24,2006
In light of the 2007 ICC Cricket World Cup, which features the Bermuda National Cricket Team, Commissioner of Police George Jackson along with other Caribbean Commissioners of Police have agreed that nothing would be done to negatively impact on the ability to police the event.
Blue Heron
Wednesday, November 22,2006
The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) would like to advise the public that the former Police vessel 'Blue Heron' is in the process of being sold to interested parties by means of sealed bid tenders.
The vessel can be viewed by interested parties on Monday, November 27, 2006 from 10am onwards outside the BPS Marine Unit offices at Barr's Bay Park in the City of Hamilton.
Serious Sexual Assault
Thursday, November 16,2006
The Bermuda Police Service is investigating a serious sexual assault that took place in Pembroke during the early morning hours of Sunday, November 12, 2006. Currently Police have a man in custody assisting with inquiries into the incident.
Update: Marcus Gibbings Homicide Inquiry
Friday, November 10,2006
The investigation into the murder of Marcus Gibbings is in its 13th day with 14 detectives currently attached to the investigation working under the command of Acting Inspectors Terry Maxwell and Robert Cardwell.
11th Road Fatality - David Santucci
Wednesday, November 08,2006
Police can now confirm the death of 52 year old David Santucci of Southampton. David died as a result of a collision that took place at 11:55am today at the junction of Middle Road and Longford Road in Warwick.
Missing Juvenile
Thursday, November 02,2006
The Bermuda Police Service is asking for the public’s assistance in locating 15 year old Mandela Smith. He was last seen on Thursday, October 26, 2006 at 7pm outside his South Road, Paget residence. Mandela is described as dark skinned, 6’ tall weighing approximately 190 pounds with a close haircut.
Investigation into the Murder of Marcus Gibbings
Tuesday, October 31,2006
The Bermuda Police Service is investigating the murder of 32 year old Marcus Gibbings, a Trinidadian national and guest worker in Bermuda for the past 9 years. We are now satisfied that Mr. Gibbings died as a result of a fatal wound inflicted upon him by a bladed weapon.
Andrew Laing
Wednesday, October 11,2006
The Bermuda Police service is asking for the public's assistance in locating 33 year old Andrew Laing, a Jamaican national who was last seen on Friday, October 6, 2006. Laing is described as approximately 5'8" tall, dark skinned with a close haircut.
Arrest Warrant Issued For John Deuss
Friday, October 06,2006
An arrest warrant has been issued for 64 year old John Deuss pending extradition proceedings at the request of the Dutch authorities. Anyone knowing his whereabouts is asked to contact Police on 295-0011.
Three Missing Children Found
Saturday, September 23,2006
Around 10:30pm on Friday, Police received a report of 3 missing children. It appears that a 6 year old, 7 year old and an 8 year old were supposed to walk home from West End Primary School; however, when their grandmother called to inquire whether or not the children had reached their appointed destination, it was realized that the children were missing.
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