


Marine Advisory

Friday, November 02,2007

The Marine Police Unit would like to warn the general public, especially all boaters and other mariners (including kite surfers, wind surfers, jet skis etc.) to avoid going out into the ocean today and tomorrow as Hurricane Noel passes to the west north-west of the island. Your co-operation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

High Speed Chase/Injury RTC

Saturday, October 27,2007

At 8:25pm on Friday, a Police car on mobile patrol on Westside Road in Sandy ’s parish was in pursuit of a motorcycle, which was reported stolen on October 20th. It appears that the rider of the motorcycle lost control, collided with a wall and both he and his pillion passenger fell to the ground. The pursuing Police car then came upon the motorcycle and two young men lying in the road. The driver of the Police vehicle successfully avoided a collision with the cycle and the two suspects, but in doing so collided with a wall.

International Reserve Police Officers Association Conference

Thursday, October 25,2007

The Bermuda Reserve Police led by Commandant Huw Lewis is proud to host the 2007 International Reserve Police Officers Association (IRPOA) Conference in Bermuda from Thursday, October 18th to Sunday, October 28th. This is the 12th gathering of the IRPOA with officers participating from the U.S.A., South Wales, Bahamas and Bermuda.

Damage Only RTC

Thursday, October 18,2007

At 2:30pm today, Police attended a reported damage only road traffic collision on Crow Lane in Pembroke, near the North Round-a-bout involving two tractor trailers. It appears the two Correia construction vehicles were part of a three vehicle convoy (escort vehicle and two tractor trailers) carrying a load of steel to Dockyard when the tractor trailer at the rear of the convoy collided with a steel girder on the tractor trailer in front of it, after the lead tractor trailer stopped as another vehicle was negotiating the round-a-bout.


Wednesday, October 10,2007

At 4pm today, Police received a report of an assault. Details about the incident are unclear at the moment; however, Police attended Devon Spring Road in Devonshire and found the victim, a 28 year old Devonshire man. It appears the Devonshire man had been stabbed and sustained potentially serious back & abdominal injuries. He was taken to KEMH via ambulance for treatment. The matter is under investigation by the Hamilton Criminal Investigation Unit.

Police Week 2007 – ‘Commissioner for a Day’ Essay Competition

Monday, October 08,2007

During 2007 the Bermuda Police Service is celebrating 128 years of service to the Bermudian community. To commemorate the Service’s ongoing commitment to the local community, Police Week, a week long series of Police related events, will take place from Saturday, October 27th – Saturday, November 3rd 2007. The goal of Police Week is to unify the community and the Police through interaction at various levels, from an essay competition entitled ‘Commissioner for a Day’ in the island’s schools to social events.

Recruit Foundation Course #69 Passing Out Ceremony

Friday, October 05,2007

On Thursday, October 4th 2007, a Passing Out Ceremony was held for Bermuda Police Service Recruit Foundation Course #69. Twelve recruits completed the course and have now joined the Service as Police officers. They are: Constable Shirneil Furbert, Constable Anton Gilbert, Constable Ian Morrell, Constable Lesa Stovell, Constable Donovan Sweet, Constable Rajiv Bailey, Constable Kieran Bennett, Constable Vanessa Furbert, Constable Juan Looby, Constable Sandip Roy, Constable Kenten Trott and Constable Teshae Trott.


Tuesday, October 02,2007

The Bermuda Police Service is pleased to announce the introduction of a new electronic system of taking fingerprints and photographs from persons in Police custody arrested for criminal offences. The system known as ‘LIVESCAN’ has been installed in two Police stations with a third due for installation in Spring 2008. This new method scans the fingerprints and palm prints using an electronic scanning device, replacing the conventional method of using an ink pad, roller and paper based forms.

Marine Thefts

Friday, September 28,2007

The Marine Police are seeking the assistance of the public following a recent spate of thefts from boats. The public are asked to report any persons seen acting suspiciously around bays and in the vicinity of moored boats and report the sale of second hand marine equipment that appears to be of a suspicious nature. It should be noted that it is an offence to purchase stolen property.

Road Closure

Tuesday, September 25,2007

The Bermuda Police Service would like to advise the motoring public that due to a tree falling near the west boundary of Par-La-Ville Park, Par-La-Ville Road between Church Street and Front Street in Pembroke will be closed at 7pm so that workmen can clear the tree from the area. The Bermuda Police Service would like to thank the motoring public in advance for their co-operation in this matter.

Death of Scuba Diver

Thursday, September 20,2007

The Bermuda Police Service can now confirm the death of 52 year old James Norman Miller of Sharpsville, Indiana U.S.A. (a passenger on the Norwegian Crown cruise ship) who was traveling with a Scuba Diving tour group near the North Rock beacon a few minutes after 4pm yesterday. It appears that the 52 year old man ran into difficulties in the water resulting in two paramedics and a doctor in his dive group triaging until the Police boat Heron 3 could arrive on location.

Injury RTC

Tuesday, September 18,2007

Around 12 noon today, Police received a report of a serious single vehicle road traffic collision resulting in injury on South Road in Devonshire, near the junction with Devondale Drive . It appears a motorcycle was traveling west on South Road when the rider, a 45 year old St. George’s man, lost control and collided with a wall. The St. George’s man, who appeared to have been suffering from a pre-existing medical condition, was taken to KEMH for treatment of his injuries which are not believed to be life threatening.

Fast Ferry Serenity Collision

Saturday, September 15,2007

First responders converged on Dockyard due to a marine incident that took place at 12:39pm. The Fast Ferry Serenity was approaching Dockyard with 47 passengers onboard, when the vessel collided into the ferry dock. Twenty people were taken to the hospital and treated for a variety of injuries however, at this juncture none appear to be life threatening.


Monday, September 10,2007

The Commissioner of Police is pleased to announce the following recent promotions: To Superintendent Superintendent Paul Wright To Chief Inspector Chief Inspector Antoine Daniels Chief Inspector Junior Watts Chief Inspector Martin Weekes To Inspector Inspector Val Holder Inspector Phil Lewis Inspector Peter Brentano Inspector Hashim Estwick To Sergeant Sergeant B.T. Smith Sergeant Jason Smith Sergeant Renay Rock Sergeant Markland Telemaque Sergeant Courtney Williams Sergeant Emmerson Carrington Sergeant Peter Charlemagne


Thursday, September 06,2007

Around 12:45pm on Thursday, Police received a report of an assault at the Westgate Correctional Facility in Sandy’s parish. It appears that a female Prison Officer was assaulted by an inmate with a pointed object. The victim was taken to KEMH via ambulance for treatment of a puncture wound to her neck. The injury is not believed to be life threatening. Inquiries into this incident are underway by the Somerset Criminal Investigation Unit.

Bermuda Reserve Police

Thursday, August 30,2007

The Bermuda Reserve Police, as a result of anomalies between their private insurance coverage and the insurance coverage provided by the Government, have reduced their exposure to duty until the situation is clarified. This reduces the Reserves duties to training only at this juncture. All parties involved (the Bermuda Police Service, Bermuda Reserve Police, Government & the private insurance companies) are working swiftly to bring this matter to an amicable solution.

Press Conference Regarding Offensive & Bladed Weapons

Thursday, August 23,2007

Over the last few months, officers within the Police Support Unit (PSU) as well as Service wide have noticed the increase of weapons being used when attending incidents. On arrival Police will generally find an offender still carrying the weapon, or find it nearby in an attempt to hide it. 

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