


Suspected Stolen Jewelry Recovered

Tuesday, January 05,2010

The St. George’s Criminal Investigation Unit has recovered various items of suspected stolen jewelry. In particular, any person that can identify this ring (with the red stone) is encouraged to contact Detective Sergeant Jason Smith at Southside Police Station on 293-2222. The ring bears the following inscriptions - ‘Kingsway Regional High School’ ‘1972’ ‘The Dragon’ and the initials ‘G.D.J.’

Rumours Regarding Identity of Puckerin Murderer False

Tuesday, January 05,2010

The Bermuda Police Service understands that the name of an individual is being circulated in the community via cellular phone messages, with the messages claiming that individual is responsible for the murder of Perry Puckerin. However, the individual in question was in Police custody at the time Mr. Puckerin was fatally shot. Therefore he cannot be the murderer.

Murder of Perry Puckerin

Monday, January 04,2010

Chief Inspector Nicholas Pedro - The Bermuda Police Service can confirm the shooting death of Perry Mosley Puckerin and extends sincere sympathies to the family and friends of Mr. Puckerin. Mr. Puckerin was shot down in the prime of his life at 34 years old.

Winter Marine Advisory

Monday, January 04,2010

This weekend was a particularly busy one for the Bermuda Police Service Marine Unit, which received numerous calls of vessels either taking on water or breaking their moorings due to the stormy weather over the last few days. One incident of note involved a 60ft. sailing vessel which broke its moorings in Ely’s Harbour and drifted ashore. A Police Marine Unit vessel attended; was able to free the sailboat and re-secure it to another nearby mooring.

Update on Surf Warning on South Shore Beaches

Sunday, January 03,2010

From the Government Department of Communication & Information (DCI) - Now that the worst of the stormy weather has passed, the Surf Warning signs that were erected by the Department of Parks at National Parks/Beaches on the South Shore have now been taken down. However, the public is being urged to use extreme care and caution if in or around the seas in these areas. Cooper’s Island Nature Reserve has also been re-opened for public access.

Weather UPDATE - Gale Warning In Effect Through Today

Sunday, January 03,2010

From the Government Department of Communication & Information (DCI) - Although the worst of the stormy weather has now passed, residents are advised that a Gale Warning remains valid through today, tonight and even into tomorrow morning. The Bermuda Weather Service says the worst conditions predicted for today are west to northwest winds of 35 knots with gusts to 50 knots.  In the early hours of this morning, wind gusts of 45 to 58 knots were reported by Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre (Bermuda Radio) at their hilltop site. Bermuda Maritime Radio has also reported that a number of boats are off their moorings.

Stormy Weather UPDATE - Reminder to Causeway Traffic

Sunday, January 03,2010

From the Government Department of Communication & Information (DCI) - Residents are advised that a Storm Warning remains valid for Bermuda tonight with the predicted occasional sustained winds of 35 knots with gusts to 50 now occurring at exposed elevated locations. This condition is predicted to continue until tomorrow morning. The Causeway is being monitored throughout the night and it will remain open as long as weather conditions permit. Motorists are advised that if tonight’s weather conditions make crossing hazardous, they may experience some brief delays as Causeway traffic is restricted on short notice.

Stormy Weather UPDATE - Storm Warning for Tonight

Saturday, January 02,2010

From the Government Department of Communication & Information (DCI) - As the Island continues to feel the effects of its first winter storm of 2010, the Bermuda Weather Service has advised that a Storm Warning will also be issued for tonight as short periods of sustained winds around 50 knots overnight are expected between 11p.m. and 6a.m. Sunday. The Causeway will remain open but motorists are advised that they may experience some brief delays on the Causeway as traffic will be restricted on short notice if tonight’s weather conditions warrant. The Bermuda Weather Service will issue further advisories to the public as necessary.

Stormy Weather UPDATE – The Causeway is Open

Saturday, January 02,2010

From the Government Department of Communication & Information (DCI) - The Causeway was reopened this morning to all motor vehicles. In light of the predicted Storm Force winds that battered the Island and marine areas overnight, the EMO closed the Causeway from at midnight in the interest of public safety. The Causeway was reopened to traffic at 8:15 a.m. this morning. The Bermuda Weather Service has advised that the Island is still under a Gale Warning for the remainder of the weekend with showers and much colder air today. Further advisories will be issued to the public as necessary.

Damage Only RTC

Saturday, January 02,2010

At 4:30pm today, Police attended a reported damage only road traffic collision on St. John’s Road in Pembroke near the junction with Cemetery Road. It appears that a car was exiting a parking lot in the area when the driver, an 82 year old Southampton woman, lost control and collided with a wall. The vehicle went through the wall, landing partially on a parked car below. The 82 year old woman was not injured; however the car received extensive front end damage. The parked car received moderate front end damage and the wall was also damaged. Inquiries into this incident are underway.

UPDATE on Approaching Stormy Weather

Friday, January 01,2010

From the Government Department of Communication & Information (DCI) - The Causeway will be closed to all motor vehicles from Midnight tonight until 8:00 a.m. Saturday, 2 January 2010. The decision was made in the interest of public safety following a meeting by the Emergency Measures Organisation late this afternoon.

2009 Police Awards

Thursday, December 31,2009

As the year 2009 comes to an end, the Bermuda Police Service would like to recognize the hard work and dedication of all our Police officers and civilian personnel. It is their professionalism and sense of duty that helps make Bermuda safer. In particular, we would like to recognize the following officers who were selected by their peers for awards based on their work performance and/or sporting prowess, as well as their community involvement. The awards were presented during the Police Ball which was held at the Fairmont Southampton Princess Resort on Saturday, October 10th 2009 as the culmination of Police Week 2009, celebrating 130 years of policing in Bermuda.

Notable Court Appearance

Thursday, December 31,2009

Wednesday, December 30th 2009 – 20 year old Tyevon Bean of Pembroke appeared in Magistrates’ Court charged with causing grievous bodily harm to 16 year old Jared Carlington of St. George’s during an attempted robbery on Wesley Street in the City of Hamilton around 6pm Monday, November 23rd, 2009.

Vehicle Fire

Wednesday, December 30,2009

Around 6:45am today, Police received a report of a fire at the Central Auto Garage on Parsons Road in Pembroke. On arrival Police officers observed four vehicles extensively damaged by fire. The Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service also attended the scene and extinguished the blaze. The vehicles were not operational at the time and were reportedly used for spare parts. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Home Invasion

Wednesday, December 30,2009

Around 12:30am today, Police received a report of a home invasion at a Sylvan Dell Road, Paget residence. It appears that two unknown men forced their way into the home, with one brandishing what appeared to be a firearm. The occupants of the house, a 42 year old Paget woman, a 30 year old Pembroke woman and a 20 year old Paget man, were not injured. The offenders then made good their escape.

Policing for New Year’s Eve

Tuesday, December 29,2009

The Bermuda Police Service will have over 100 officers out on patrol throughout the island providing a highly visible presence during the various events scheduled for New Year’s Eve 2009 as well as the first weekend of 2010.

Fugitive from Supreme Court Trial Arrested

Wednesday, December 23,2009

28 year old Stephen Thompson of Pembroke was arrested at the L. F. Wade International Airport at 10:40pm on Tuesday, December 22nd 2009 after returning to Bermuda – one year since he fled the jurisdiction while a defendant in a December 2008 Supreme Court wounding trial.

Thief Has a Change of Heart

Monday, December 21,2009

Thieves by definition take things – but rarely do they return them. However, it appears that the Christmas spirit has encouraged one thief to have a change of heart. You may remember that a burglary was committed at the St. George’s Community Centre overnight on Wednesday, November 18th 2009 by an unknown culprit. The culprit stole a black 32” Sony TV, a black Sony DVD player and two Dell computers.

Death of Serving Police Officer

Monday, December 21,2009

The Commissioner of Police is deeply saddened to announce the sudden passing of Constable Andrew Thomas, aged 42 years, who succumbed to a medical condition while in his home this morning, shortly after 4:00 am. Attempts to revive the officer by attending medical services were not successful. The exact cause of death is not known at this time; however foul play is not suspected. Andrew is a well known and highly respected police officer in his 26th year of service. This news has come as a shock to the Bermuda Police Service and the Commissioner extends deepest sympathies to Andrew's family on behalf of every member of the Service.

Reported Tornado Strikes Central Parishes

Saturday, December 19,2009

Around 3:40pm today, the City of Hamilton and the central parishes were struck by a reported tornado. There are several trees down in and around the city area; however, no reported injuries. There are also reports of roof damage to Magistrates' Court, resideces in the central parishes, as well as damage reported to the Bank of Bermuda Church Street branch. Police, Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service, Works & Engineering and Corporation of Hamilton attended the scene at Magistrates' Court and are addressing the situation.

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