


Hurricane Igor Update

Monday, September 20,2010

From the EMO - There have been no reports of any deaths or major injuries as a result of Hurricane Igor; however there is reported property damage in various locations around the island with some trees down and debris in the road. Emergency services personnel are making their assessment of the damage at the moment and we would appeal for members of the public to please stay off the roads so they can carry out their jobs quickly and efficiently.

EMO Hurricane Igor Advisories #4

Monday, September 20,2010

Please see this EMO video for some advisories regarding Hurricane Igor.

EMO Hurricane Igor Advisories #3

Monday, September 20,2010

Please see this EMO video for some advisories regarding Hurricane Igor.

EMO Hurricane Igor Advisories #2

Monday, September 20,2010

Please see this EMO video for some advisories regarding Hurricane Igor.

EMO Hurricane Igor Advisories #1

Monday, September 20,2010

Please see this EMO video for some advisories regarding Hurricane Igor.

EMO: Update From BELCO

Sunday, September 19,2010

EMO: Update from BELCO - Total customers out as of 4:00pm – approximately 16,000. BELCO has approximately 35,500 customers, so about half the island is without power. All crews have been stood down for safety reasons until storm force winds abate. Any emergencies will be dealt with by opening circuit breakers from BELCO's Operations Centre.

EMO: Update From Department of Parks

Sunday, September 19,2010

EMO: Update from the Department of Parks - There are trees down in several locations around the island. Trees are reported to be down at:

EMO: Update From BELCO

Sunday, September 19,2010

EMO: Update from BELCO - At 2:00pm, approximately 7,000 customers were without power. (We will continue to provide updates throughout the storm). Since the noon update, as the storm has intensified, BELCO’s Hurricane Igor Incident Command have made the decision that all crews will now stand down, effective immediately, until storm force winds abate. With the worst of the hurricane yet to come, the plan calls for crews to be sent back out into the field as soon as possible on Monday when conditions improve. BELCO’s Plant will continue to generate power throughout the storm.

EMO Advisories Regarding Hurricane Igor

Sunday, September 19,2010

EMO - As everyone is now aware the Causeway is closed. Here are the latest advisories from the EMO:

Advisory – John Smith’s Bay Area

Saturday, September 18,2010

Due to the increasing surf as Hurricane Igor approaches the island, an area of South Road in Smith’s parish west of John Smith’s Bay to Watch Hill Park has been closed off to traffic using concrete barriers. However, we have received reports that members of the public are ignoring these barriers and walking along the shoreline in the area to observe the ocean. We are urging members of the public not to walk along the shoreline in that area and to heed the barriers, as they have been placed there for their safety.

Reported Firearm Incident in Pembroke

Saturday, September 18,2010

Around 1:40pm on Saturday, Police responded to a report of gunshots in the Spanish Point Road, Pembroke area. Officers attended the scene and conducted inquiries; however there were no reported injuries. An active investigation into this matter is underway. Police are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with any information to contact the Serious Crime Unit on 299-8115 or the independent confidential Crime Stoppers Bermuda hotline on 800-8477.

Hurricane Igor Advisory

Thursday, September 16,2010

With the impending arrival of Hurricane Igor the public is urged to prepare now, in advance while weather conditions allow. Here are some tips to help secure your home prior to the storm: ROOF AND TANK Block the gutters with clean rags or other device to prevent any leaves, salt and other contamination from entering your water tank.


Tuesday, September 14,2010

The Bermuda Police Service is pleased to announce the following promotions which became effective as of August 12th 2010. To Chief Inspector – Othneal Haynes

Recruit Foundation Course #73

Monday, September 13,2010

Ten new Police recruits are currently on Recruit Foundation Course (RFC) #73, a 25 week training course which started on Monday, August 30th 2010. They are:

Injury RTC

Monday, September 13,2010

At 4:55pm on Monday, Police received a report of a road traffic collision resulting in injury at the junction of Middle Road and Montpelier Road in Devonshire involving a bus and a rental cycle. Details about how the collision occurred are unclear at this time; however, both individuals on the rental cycle sustained injuries to their lower body. They were taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital via ambulance for treatment of their injuries, which are not believed to be life threatening.

Police Gymkhana 2010

Friday, September 10,2010

The Bermuda Police Service Gymkhana makes its return after more than a 20 year absence! This popular community event will take place on Saturday 2nd October 2010 at Police Field in Prospect, Devonshire between 10am and 5:30pm.

Sudden Death

Wednesday, September 08,2010

A few minutes after 12:30pm on Wednesday, Police responded to a report of an incident that took place on Field View Lane in Pembroke. It appears that a member of the community came upon a man’s lifeless body in an area outside of a house on that said road. Police are going through the process of identifying the body and as such no further information will be given until the next of kin have been notified.

7th Annual Hurricane Fabian Memorial Ride

Tuesday, September 07,2010

The 7th Annual Remembrance Ride took place on Sunday 5th September 2010. The Commissioner of Police Michael Desilva was in attendance as well as other members of the Bermuda Police Service family, the Bermuda Long Riders Motorcycle Club and members of the public. The event is held each year to show support for the families and friends of the four lives tragically lost.


Tuesday, September 07,2010

Police can confirm the arrest of a 48 year old Hamilton parish man from the shoreline of the North Shore Road/Coney Island Road, Hamilton parish area on Saturday, September 4th 2010. Around 10:45am that day, several officers from different units attended the scene to assist in his capture, including the Marine Unit. The 48 year old Hamilton parish man was subsequently apprehended for outstanding warrants and attempting to evade arrest. A 43 year old Hamilton parish man was also arrested at the scene in connection with the incident. A court appearance for the 48 year old Hamilton parish man is anticipated in due course.

Confirmed Firearm Incident in Pembroke

Saturday, September 04,2010

Around midnight on Saturday, Police responded to a report of gunshots in the Middle Terrace, Pembroke area. A 22 year old Pembroke man subsequently attended King Edward VII Memorial Hospital with gunshot wounds to his leg. His injuries are not life threatening; as a result he was treated and released. Inquiries into this incident are underway. Police are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with any information to contact the Serious Crime Unit on 295-0011 or the independent confidential Crime Stoppers Bermuda hotline on 800-8477.

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