Commissioner Designate Mr. Stephen Corbishley - Good morning to you all.
My name is Steve Corbishley, and as said I am the incoming Commissioner of the Bermuda Police Service.
I’m delighted to be in Bermuda and I’ve spent the past week engaging with staff, speaking to front line officers, supervisors, understanding their views and their needs in regards to the Bermuda Police Service – and making it the best it can be.
I’ve also had opportunity to speak with Government, Government House about some of their expectations and some of the challenges that we face in going forward.
I have extensive experience in policing in the UK, with the National Crime Agency and indeed overseas and I come to Bermuda excited to take on the role and to be able to offer my experience in leading this exceptional Service in going forward.
I want to work with local people, but particularly I want to work with local communities.
I want to listen to their concerns, listen to what they need from the Service to ensure that they’re safe and that they feel safe and to deal with some of the challenges that they face – whether they be anti-social behaviour, drug use, organised crime or indeed anything that requires the service of the police officers and staff under my command.
I look forward – when I start office at the end of this month – to speaking with staff and also other colleagues about the plans we need to put in place in going forward.
The Bermuda Police Service is not unique to other police services around the world. The challenges we face in regards to cyber criminality, serious and organised crime and child protection are issues that we need to recognise and issues that we need to address.
We already have significant expertise within the Service to deal with these issues. And I will support and enable them to become even better tackling some of those issues. An important way is to work with partners, who can greatly assist in addressing some of these problems.
I’d like to take some questions from you, in regards to my role and how I plan to go forward, but I’d like to end in regards to saying that my welcome to Bermuda has been absolutely amazing. My family will be joining me, for my time here, and they too are looking forward to being a part of the local community.
Thank you very much.
Video clip of remarks and initial media questions from Thursday's 11:30am press conference.